It Can’t Be True!
Can’t Be True!

“One day someone asked me on the phone if I wanted to be a cameraman on the next James Bond film,” Willy Bogner Jr once recalled. “When you get a call like that as an amateur filmmaker who never went to film school, you think it’s a joke!” But the call was no joke – the caller turned out to be no other than Albert R. Broccoli himself. The Bond producer had seen Bogner’s debut film “Ski Fascination” (1964) and his documentary film “Grenoble Olympia” (1968). For this, Willy had been the first skiing cameraman to race down the Grenoble Olympic downhill course behind a female racer, and Broccoli was looking for a “wild” special cameraman who could record a ski chase for 007. The rest is history. Bogner filmed stunts for “On Her Majesty’s Secret Service” (1969) and acted as director of the ski team. After that he worked on three more Bond films: In “The Spy Who Loved Me” (1977), he was responsible for directing and filming the ski sequences. In “For Your Eyes Only” (1981) he worked as a special cameraman and director of the ski sequences. In “View To A Kill” (1985) he acted as director of the skiing title sequence and as cameraman. And in each of the four films, 007 wore a skiing outfit from BOGNER. Not a bad record considering what Willy had initially thought when he received the phone call. 

Willy Bogner jr.
BOGNER and Bond
BOGNER, Bond and Bobsleds!
Unique Ideas
Forever Sporty
By a Hair