
Your payment options

Whether classic, modern, exclusive: and above all, easy - with us you will always find a payment method that suits you and your needs:

  • Payment by PayPal and PayPal Express
  • Payment by Google Pay
  • Payment by Apple Pay
  • Payment by credit card: VISA, MasterCard, American Express

Payment by PayPal 

If you would like to save valuable time when paying during your BOGNER purchase, then use PayPal. After submitting your order, we will automatically redirect you to the PayPal payment page. As a registered PayPal customer, you can log in with your personal PayPal access details and make the payment. We receive payment within a few minutes and your order will be processed immediately.

Even faster payment with PayPal Express 

Just click instead of typing: when paying with PayPal Express, you will be redirected directly from the shopping cart to the PayPal payment page with one mouse click and can complete your express payment and your order with just a few clicks. 


Payment by Google Pay 

Typing in bank details or entering credit card data - all unnecessary with Google Pay. All you need to benefit from the fast and convenient payment system at BOGNER: a Google Pay-enabled device and a Google Pay account with a debit or credit card on file. If you have any further questions, please contact your bank or credit card company directly.

Payment by Apple Pay

Love at first sight, paid for at second: with Apple Pay you can pay with your face or finger. Provided you have an Apple Pay-enabled device and a credit or debit card from a bank that has partnered with Apple. Quickly and conveniently start the payment in the shopping cart and confirm it directly via your Apple device, depending on the model, using Touch ID, Face ID or PIN.

Payments by credit card  

We accept MasterCard, VISA and American Express credit cards and don’t charge them until your order has been shipped.

Buying trend-setting fashion safely and easily is possible when paying by credit card. BOGNER uses the internationally-recognised 3D Secure standard and transmits your credit card data via SSL. You can find more information in our data protection policy.
