Forever Sporty

Never Give Up!

“In sport, you learn to lose”, Willy Bogner Jr once said, and thanks to this experience from his competitive career, he always got back up again after setbacks later in life. Today’s DSV athletes have also often proven that real athletes do not get discouraged. This can be seen not least in the Kitzbühel victories of Thomas Dreßen and Josef “Pepi” Ferstl. This is a place with which slalom specialist Linus Straßer also associates a special memory. As a four-year-old he visited the still icy, “Mausefalle”, with its 85% gradient, on the Streif with his father shortly after the Hahnenkamm race. A moment of inattention and little Linus slid head first down the slope. His father, who was still trying to hold him back, followed behind! As we know today, this experience was no reason for Linus to give up skiing. He has subsequently participated in the Olympic Games and World Championships and won German Championships and World Cup races.

In sport, you learn to lose
Forever Sporty
By a Hair
On Fire for Skiing
Forever Sporty
Success with the B
Forever Sporty
Focus on Sports!